Service Health

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Cloud. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit

All incidents reported for Chronicle Security


Summary Date Duration
[Chronicle Security] Detection page may not be loading 16 Jul 2024
1 hour, 37 minutes
Chronicle Security: Increased Latency and Normalization Delays 2 Jul 2024
10 hours, 5 minutes
Issue related to the ‘Detection List’ page not displaying Detections 26 Jun 2024
1 hour, 35 minutes
This incident is being merged with an existing incident. All future updates will be provided there: 26 Jun 2024
14 hours, 42 minutes
Chronicle Security is experiencing Risk Analytics issue in multiregion/us 26 Jun 2024
6 hours, 16 minutes
Chronicle Security is experiencing a service degradation with multiple features in the US/multiregion. 25 Jun 2024
3 days
Chronicle Security is experiencing delays with BigQuery exports, Multi event rules, and Normalization in US multi-region 13 Jun 2024
12 hours, 50 minutes
Multi Region US : High normalization / parsing delay in the US region 10 Jun 2024
4 hours, 12 minutes
Failure in loading of one of the pages in Chronicle Security. 24 May 2024
4 hours, 46 minutes
Redirect errors for customers in multiple regions while using Chronicle Security 21 May 2024
1 hour, 46 minutes
Chronicle Security: Issues Viewing Curated Rules (and Curated Detections) 10 May 2024
8 hours, 10 minutes
Ingestion delays for small number of Third Party API Feeds while using Chronicle Security in US Multi-regions 24 Apr 2024
13 hours, 17 minutes
Chronicle Security - Service Issues 23 Apr 2024
15 hours, 37 minutes
We are experiencing an issue with Chronicle Security 10 Apr 2024
3 hours, 56 minutes
Chronicle Delays in Data Availability 29 Mar 2024
19 hours, 27 minutes
High normalization latency in the US multi-region. 25 Mar 2024
3 hours, 36 minutes
We are experiencing an issue with Chronicle Security Dashboards 22 Mar 2024
2 hours, 20 minutes
We are experiencing an issue with Chronicle SIEM 21 Mar 2024
2 hours, 16 minutes
Some customers might experience elevated latency in UDM search for Chronicle security. 5 Mar 2024
7 hours, 13 minutes
Chronicle Security and Chronicle SOAR experiencing high Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) error rate in Multiregion/us 28 Feb 2024
10 hours
Chronicle Security, Chronicle SOAR. High Remote Procedure Calls (RPC) error rate in Multiregion/us 28 Feb 2024
10 hours
Chronicle security is experiencing issues with logs being uploaded through some forwarders. 28 Feb 2024
14 hours, 6 minutes
Cloud Asset Data Ingestion Issue 22 Feb 2024
1 day, 15 hours
Users may observe issues while using Chronicle Security with Microsoft Azure Storage 11 Jan 2024
4 hours, 10 minutes


Summary Date Duration
Some Chronicle Security users in Europe multi-region are experiencing elevate latencies of Normalized events for Ingested logs 9 Dec 2023
1 hour, 7 minutes
High Normalisation latency in Europe 4 Dec 2023
6 hours, 48 minutes
Chronicle IoC Matches page failing to load data 30 Nov 2023
3 hours, 13 minutes
Chronicle Security Feed Management is experiencing issues with creating Service Accounts 20 Nov 2023
5 hours, 17 minutes
Chronicle Security users in Europe may have experienced an increased latency. 16 Nov 2023
5 hours, 45 minutes
Customers using Chronicle Security were experiencing delayed ingestion and indexing of data across multiple regions in Europe 15 Nov 2023
4 hours, 6 minutes
Some Chronicle Security users in US multi-region are experiencing elevate latencies with log availability. 3 Nov 2023
2 hours, 46 minutes
Google Chronicle Security customers may notice delays in data showing up in the Chronicle Security UI. 1 Nov 2023
1 hour, 26 minutes
Chronicle customers in all regions using the SENTINEL_EDR default parser (product source: "SentinelOne EDR") may have incorrect process enrichment results. 29 Jul 2023
30 days, 23 hours
Chronicle Security customers may experience data staleness or missed detections in US regions. 25 Jul 2023
4 days, 2 hours
Chronicle Security: delayed normalization in EUR regions 11 Jul 2023
3 hours, 29 minutes
Google Cloud Chronicle Security customers may experience delays in ingestion 5 Jul 2023
3 hours, 7 minutes
Some Chronicle Customers are unable to update their Chronicle configuration or setup GCP log ingestion. 28 Jun 2023
2 hours, 58 minutes
Google Cloud Chronicle Security customers may experience ingestion API tasks failing. 27 Jun 2023
2 hours, 43 minutes
Chronicle Security customers are experiencing issues viewing their rule detections in US and Europe multiregions. 23 Jun 2023
1 hour, 14 minutes
Google engineer are currently investigating an issues with Chronicle UI - IOC match page. 7 Jun 2023
58 minutes
Delay in normalization for Chronicle customers 8 May 2023
4 hours, 37 minutes
Chronicle Security customers may experience errors when trying to perform certain operations 15 Mar 2023
1 hour, 5 minutes
US: Chronicle Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is experiencing issue with Indicator of Compromise (IOC) matches. 1 Feb 2023
11 hours, 26 minutes
Google Cloud Engineers are investigating an issues with Chronicle Security. 4 Jan 2023
4 hours, 11 minutes


Summary Date Duration
Delay in Data Stretching 14 Dec 2022
1 hour, 6 minutes