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Incident affecting Places API

Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Incident began at 2022-08-11 14:36 and ended at 2022-08-12 14:46 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
12 Aug 2022 14:46 PDT

The issue with Places Search API (unexpected ZERO_RESULTS in the Find Place and Text Search API endpoints) is believed to be affecting a very small number of requests and our Engineering Team is working on it.

If you have questions or are impacted, please open a case with the Support Team and we will work with you until this issue is resolved.

No further updates will be provided here.

We thank you for your patience while we're working on resolving the issue.

12 Aug 2022 01:57 PDT

Summary: Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Description: The Nearby Search API mitigation is still in place, and we'll continue to monitor for a resurgence of ZERO_RESULTS while a root cause investigation is ongoing.

Regarding the remaining issue of unexpected ZERO_RESULTS in the Find Place and Text Search API endpoints: the investigation is still ongoing, we don't have an update to share at the moment. Due to the limited number of affected queries we could find, we believe the scope of this issue is limited. Please contact our support if you have interesting examples to share (

We will provide more information by Friday, 2022-08-12 14:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: For Nearby Search API only: if you use the API to find places with a certain type, please try using the type parameter instead of the keyword parameter in your requests. The supported place types are listed at

For Text Search and Find Place APIs: add a location and radius, or locationbias information to your request if possible. Adding location information directly to your input string (e.g. in the "query" parameter for Text Search) might help as well.

11 Aug 2022 23:56 PDT

Summary: Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Description: We believe the issue with Nearby Search API requests returning unexpected ZERO_RESULTS responses has been fully mitigated by the fix rollout mentioned in our previous update. Root cause investigations are still ongoing.

Regarding the remaining issue of unexpected ZERO_RESULTS in the Find Place and Text Search API endpoints: as of now, we could only find one affected query. Please let us know if you have an example of a prominent feature that can not be found through those endpoints.

We will provide more information by Friday, 2022-08-12 02:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: For Nearby Search API only: if you use the API to find places with a certain type, please try using the type parameter instead of the keyword parameter in your requests. The supported place types are listed at

11 Aug 2022 22:04 PDT

Summary: Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Description: Our engineering team rolled out a fix, which seems to have addressed the issue with Nearby Search API queries, based on our observations: Nearby Search API requests with a keyword parameter which recently started receiving ZERO_RESULTS responses, are now receiving OK responses again.

Please let us know if you are still experiencing ZERO_RESULTS responses through the NearbySearch endpoint, for queries which returned OK responses up until recently.

Our engineering team is now working on a remaining issue which manifests in the Find Place and TextSearch endpoints, where at least one lookup for a prominent place returns a ZERO_RESULTS response.

We do not have an ETA for mitigation at this point.

We will provide more information by Friday, 2022-08-12 00:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: For Nearby Search API only: if you use the API to find places with a certain type, please try using the type parameter instead of the keyword parameter in your requests. The supported place types are listed at

11 Aug 2022 20:55 PDT

Summary: Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Description: Our engineering team is working on a potential mitigation measure.

We do not have an ETA for mitigation at this point.

We will provide more information by Thursday, 2022-08-11 23:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: For Nearby Search API only: if you use the API to find places with a certain type, please try using the type parameter instead of the keyword parameter in your requests. The supported place types are listed at

11 Aug 2022 17:12 PDT

Summary: Not all relevant results returned by Places search APIs

Description: We are continuing to investigate a potential issue with Places API search (Find Place, Nearby Search, Text Search) where some results may be missing relevant places.

We will provide more information by Thursday, 2022-08-11 21:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: None at this time.

11 Aug 2022 15:19 PDT

Summary: Degraded recall of Places search APIs

Description: We are investigating a potential issue with Places API search features (Find Place, Nearby Search, Text Search) where results may exhibit degraded recall.

We will provide more information by Thursday, 2022-08-11 17:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: More searches return a ZERO_RESULTS status code.

Workaround: None at this time.