Google Maps Platform Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Maps Platform. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit

For incidents related to Google Cloud Platform and Google Cloud Console, please visit the Cloud Status Dashboard.

Incident affecting Mobility services

Unable to calculate driving directions/routes in Navigation SDK

Incident began at 2021-08-19 15:45 and ended at 2021-08-19 16:32 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
20 Aug 2021 11:53 PDT

Directions and routes are returned as expected.

19 Aug 2021 16:27 PDT

Mitigation is in-progress. Service returning to normal.