Google Maps Platform Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Maps Platform. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit

For incidents related to Google Cloud Platform and Google Cloud Console, please visit the Cloud Status Dashboard.

Incident affecting Maps Embed API, Maps JavaScript API, Directions API, Gaming Services, Maps Static API, Maps SDK for Android, Maps SDK for iOS, Mobility services

Google Maps Platform services experiencing high rates of error.

Incident began at 2022-03-18 08:27 and ended at 2022-03-18 12:12 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
28 Mar 2022 18:37 PDT

We have completed our internal investigation of this incident. Details can be found in this report.

If you have follow-up questions on this issue, please contact us.

18 Mar 2022 12:12 PDT

All impacted Google Maps Platform services have returned to normal operation as of Friday, 2022-03-18 12:10 US/Pacific.

We will publish an analysis of this incident once we have completed our internal investigation.

We thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving the issue.

18 Mar 2022 11:03 PDT

Summary: Multiple Geo Enterprise services experiencing high rates of error.

Description: Mitigation work is currently underway by our engineering team.

Maps API Services are starting to return to normal.

We will provide more information by Friday, 2022-03-18 12:00 US/Pacific.

Diagnosis: Failing (timeout or error responses) requests, increased response latency.

Workaround: None at this time.