Google Cloud Status Dashboard

This page provides status information on the services that are part of Google Cloud Platform. Check back here to view the current status of the services listed below. If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please contact Support. Learn more about what's posted on the dashboard in this FAQ. For additional information on these services, please visit

Google Cloud Pub/Sub Incident #18001

Cloud PubSub experiencing missing subscription metrics. Additionally, some Dataflow jobs with PubSub sources appear as they do not consume any messages.

Incident began at 2018-02-20 03:02 and ended at 2018-02-20 05:30 (all times are US/Pacific).

Date Time Description
Feb 20, 2018 05:30

The issue with Cloud PubSub causing watermark increase in Dataflow jobs has been resolved for all affected projects as of Tue, 2018-02-20 05:30 US/Pacific. We will conduct an internal investigation of this issue and make appropriate improvements to our systems to help prevent or minimize future recurrence.

The issue with Cloud PubSub causing watermark increase in Dataflow jobs has been resolved for all affected projects as of Tue, 2018-02-20 05:30 US/Pacific. We will conduct an internal investigation of this issue and make appropriate improvements to our systems to help prevent or minimize future recurrence.

Feb 20, 2018 05:03

The watermarks of the affected Dataflow jobs using PubSub are now returning to normal.

The watermarks of the affected Dataflow jobs using PubSub are now returning to normal.

Feb 20, 2018 04:07

We are experiencing an issue with Cloud PubSub beginning approximately at 20:00 2018-02-19 US/Pacific. Early investigation indicates that approximately 10-15% of Dataflow jobs are affected by this issue. For everyone who is affected, we apologize for the disruption. We will provide an update by 05:30 US/Pacific with current details.

We are experiencing an issue with Cloud PubSub beginning approximately at 20:00 2018-02-19 US/Pacific. Early investigation indicates that approximately 10-15% of Dataflow jobs are affected by this issue. For everyone who is affected, we apologize for the disruption. We will provide an update by 05:30 US/Pacific with current details.

Feb 20, 2018 03:02

We are investigating an issue with Cloud PubSub. We will provide more information by 04:00 AM US/Pacific.

We are investigating an issue with Cloud PubSub. We will provide more information by 04:00 AM US/Pacific.

Feb 20, 2018 03:02