Service Health
Incident affecting Google Kubernetes Engine
Calico Node pods failing to start and crash-looping
Incident began at 2022-12-13 16:51 and ended at 2022-12-16 12:55 (all times are US/Pacific).
Previously affected location(s)
Belgium (europe-west1)London (europe-west2)Montréal (northamerica-northeast1)Iowa (us-central1)South Carolina (us-east1)
Date | Time | Description | |
| 16 Dec 2022 | 12:55 PST | The issue with Google Kubernetes Engine has been resolved for all affected projects as of Friday, 2022-12-16 11:00 US/Pacific. We thank you for your patience while we worked on resolving the issue. |
| 16 Dec 2022 | 08:47 PST | Summary: Calico Node pods failing to start and crash-looping Description: We believe the issue with Google Kubernetes Engine is partially resolved. Full resolution is expected to complete by Friday, 2022-12-23 17:00 US/Pacific. We will provide an update by Friday, 2022-12-16 17:00 US/Pacific with current details. Diagnosis: Customers may observe their calico node pods failing to start and crash-looping indefinitely on GKE 1.24.7+ and 1.25.3+. This issue has impact on GKE versions with nodelocaldns enabled. Workaround: Customers may disable nodelocaldns. Customers may also raise a support ticket with Google to patch the impacted clusters. |
| 15 Dec 2022 | 16:27 PST | Summary: Calico Node pods failing to start and crash-looping Description: We believe the issue with Google Kubernetes Engine is partially resolved. Full resolution is expected to complete by Friday, 2022-12-23 17:00 US/Pacific. We will provide an update by Friday, 2022-12-16 17:00 US/Pacific with current details. Diagnosis: Customers may observe their calico node pods failing to start and crash-looping indefinitely on GKE 1.24.7+ and 1.25.3+. Workaround: Customers may disable nodelocaldns. Customers may also raise a support ticket with Google to patch the impacted clusters. |
- All times are US/Pacific