Service Health
Incident affecting Cloud Memorystore, Memorystore for Memcached, Memorystore for Redis
This incident is being merged with an existing incident. All future updates will be provided there:
Incident began at 2023-06-12 18:30 and ended at 2023-06-12 20:50 (all times are US/Pacific).
Date | Time | Description | |
| 12 Jun 2023 | 20:50 PDT | This incident is being merged with an existing incident. All future updates will be provided there: |
| 12 Jun 2023 | 19:55 PDT | Summary: Google Memorystore for Redis customers may see failures during creating/deleting instances. Description: We are experiencing an issue with Cloud Memorystore. Our engineering team continues to investigate the issue. We will provide an update by Monday, 2023-06-12 21:00 US/Pacific with current details. We apologize to all who are affected by the disruption. Diagnosis: Users may not be able to create new Redis instances, and likely not be able to delete instances. Workaround: None at this time. |
| 12 Jun 2023 | 18:52 PDT | Summary: Google Memorystore for Redis customers may see failures during creating/deleting instances. Description: We are experiencing an issue with Cloud Memorystore. Our engineering team continues to investigate the issue. We will provide an update by Monday, 2023-06-12 20:01 US/Pacific with current details. We apologize to all who are affected by the disruption. Diagnosis: None at this time. Workaround: None at this time. |
- All times are US/Pacific